お店について About shop

 着物 帯 反物 陶器 ガラス 絵画 漆器 掛け軸 宝石 切手等
蔵を開けて 皆様にご覧いただく品々は、日本産の絹を使った手織りの反物
作り手の少ない総刺繍の打掛 日本がなくしてしまった技術を駆使した複雑で繊細な織物の数々。
長い間 蔵の中で眠っていたものですので お安く提供いたします。
長期保管品 USEDをご理解の上 ご検討をお願い申し上げます。
あなたを美しく 季節を美しく 時を美しく

Yukiwajapan sells beautiful Japanese collections.
The predecessor of this store founded a textile manufacturer in 1947 in Tokamachi city, Niigata prefecture. Together with the main business, we have been collecting beautiful items from both Japanese and Western countries.
Kimono, Obi, fabrics, ceramics, glass, paintings, lacquer ware, hanging scrolls, jewelry, etc.
The items you will see after opening the storehouse are hand-woven fabrics made of Japanese silk, an uchikake, a kind of kimono for women's bridal robe, with full embroidery fabricated by a few craftsmen.
There is a variety of intricate and delicate textiles that are made by the techniques which are not used anymore.
These are valuable items that can only be seen in private collections.
We offer them at a low price because they have been sleeping in the warehouse for a long time.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration since these are long time storage items and used items.
We make you beautiful, make season beautiful, make time beautiful.
May joy reach you.
