読み物 Blog

2020/08/13 00:00

皆様 こんにちは

yukiwajapan BASEショップを本日公開いたしました。
なぜ 今日この日に公開することに決めたのは 大変縁起の良い一粒万倍日と大安が重なる最強開運日だからです。


1年の半分が雪で埋もれる北の国では雪は苦労でもありますが 五穀豊穣の象徴でした。豊かな雪解け水は実りの季節を育みます。

六角形の雪の結晶を図案化すると 不完全な円形をしています。不完全なものは完全にはなれないけれど、完全な円形を目指して努力する姿だと思っています。
足りないところがたくさんあるけれど 美しく魅力的なショップ運営に取り組みます。


BASEは初出店ですが 他サイトでは2000件以上の取引実績があります。評価件数804 良い評価は99.9% 2020/8/10現在

Thank you for vising yukiwajapan BASE shop.

We’re delighted to announce to you that today is the opening day for our shop at BASE. We have chosen today because this day, coincidentally, Ichiryu Manbai - the day that a single seed can eventually produce a great harvest and Taian - the most auspicious day of the old 6-day Japanese calendar overlaps. This day said to be the most fortunate day, and it is the best day to start a business.


A single seed cannot produce a harvest on its own. As “Rice” in Japanese character () represents 88 times of time and effort, only the harvest that was managed with effort can be the greatest. Like the origin of the word “Rice,” we are willing to make every effort to bring you each item with care and sincerity.


The shop name Yukiwa means Snow-ring.

Snow-ring is one of the traditional patterns that is used for fabrics. Our predecessor is a textile manufacturer in Tokamachi city, Niigata. Niigata is known for a snowy region, and our town is buried in snow half of the year. Living with snow can be hard, but we are blessed with a good harvest since full of nutrients in snowmelt water can serve energy and benefit during the harvest season. It’s been said that it was the Edo era in which the Japanese found out snowflakes are hexagon-shaped through microscopes imported from overseas. Surely, the people who first saw the cold and tiny snowflakes falling from the sky through microscopes were astonished and excited by its beauty. 


Stylized hexagon-shaped snowflakes are not in a perfect circle. However, we believe that even though snowflakes cannot be a perfect circle, they are trying hard to be one. We are also not perfect, and there may be some areas that we cannot fully respond to at times; however, we will do our best to manage and operate the shop to be the one and only.




Although it is the first time for us to start a business at BASE, we are well experienced and have more than 2,000 items of selling records. The number of received ratings is 804, receiving 99.9% of “good/satisfied.” (Rating as of August 10, 2020)